Mailing “tijd-gift”
Mailing “tijd-gift”
envelope for mailing Kampert en Helm Rotaform B.V.,
Twice a year, Kampert and Helm Rotaform sent post to its most important clients. We used the construction of a replica of the sailing ship De Zeven Provinciën (The Seven Provinces) – also in Lelystad – as our starting point. There was always a relationship with the 17thcentury: seafaring, Dutch East India Company, trade, Peter the Great in Zaandam, the map of Europe published by Adriaen Gerritszoon in 1587, but the most important historic cartographic document from that era. Right down to the envelope. Henk Raaff often hid a joke in the texts: where historic facts were absent, we added details, often to mythical proportions.